Introduction: The Beginning

To New Beginnings
laypocky: So originally this was going to be my personal blog which I showed Vivian whilst it was still on private and she begged to be invited and I kindly accepted so I gave her a VIP pass.

yixingspixie: But Louise clearly wanted me on board as she practically begged me to co-author with her.

laypocky: Yeah that's totally what in all honesty, I'm happy I can collab with Viv because we're both photobook fanatics so we can cover a wider range hopefully. Although she has and will get a lot more than I ever will lol.

yixingspixie: I'm literally going through the "I-need-everything-Yixing-and-Jongdae-related-in-my-life" phase right now. Lou needs to keep check on me, otherwise I will buy the whole world! But I'm actually really glad she asked me to work on the blog together, awh thanks Lou

cr: lovelyixing
laypocky: You're welcome bb. One day I will visit your house just because of your laychen library okay. That reminds me, we are both Lay stans so you can expect a lot of Lay-related reviews? Some of them may be individual or combined reviews. I'm also a fan of Xiumin, Sehun, Baekhyun and Chen so you'll be able to see these too in the future.I like love food, travelling and photography so please anticipate foodporn and (hopefully) pretty photos!

yixingspixie: When you finally get your ass down to London, I'll be happy to show you my Laychen museum. As for me, a lot Lay and Chen reviews… lots and lots of fansite goods hehe... And I'm also a sucker for pretty things... So anything else pretty that catches my eye ㅋㅋㅋ

cr: edit from tumblr, original pic by dreams come true
laypocky: Also If you guys are wondering what on earth is Viveselatte, it's a portmanteau (blend) of Vivian, Louise and Latte.

yixingspixie: .... you have no idea how long it took us to come up with a blog name. Plus Lou is really picky, so to settle with this is quite the accomplishment. And if you're wondering how to pronounce Viveselatte, it sounds like this... viv-ease-lah-teh (just in case you guys didn't know how to pronounce latte, hehe). But we went back and forth between something nice and pretty, something food related, something to do with our names... something Yixing related... something original, something unique... nothing too cliche, nothing with words Lou doesn't like LOL

Nature Republic Catalogue
(laypocky: which I won from a dart game during smtown week lol)
laypocky: Hey! I just wanted to make it perfect and last okay. I’m not picky I’m just...particular about certain things :D. We still need to finish doing a lot of our draft posts and watermark/logo but they'll come in due time so bear with us ^^ We will be using our own photographs so please be respectful of our intellectual property, you can share them as long as you credit and link back to our blog, but other than that feel free to follow us if you like our stuff! :)

yixingspixie: Yeah no stealing of pictures thanks guys :D Though mine aren't even that great, so there's no point even stealing haha. Which reminds me, I need to buy a new camera soon… Totally did not steal Lou’s idea :3 But hope you enjoy our posts…  If you’re interested, I think we’re both travelling around Asia next Summer, we’ll take you along with us and blog about our travels ^_^

laypocky: I think that’s about it for now, thank you for reading this much and enjoy the journey with us! 또 봐요 ♡

yixingspixie: 再见了妹子们 LMFAO…



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Meet The Authors

Originally this was going to be a personal blog but two is better than one ♡ PockyPixie (穎穎)

"Once you know her she's like a baby. Adorable, attached to you and hella whiny. But she's a loyal friend and we have a lot of common likes, I wouldn't trade her for anyone else ♥"

- About Yixingspixie by Laypocky

"【一个绮,一个欣,一个颖将我们带到一起】 When the internet brings two random people together and they have this much in common, I believe it's called fate ♥"

- About Laypocky by Yixingspixie
