[Photobook] Iridescent Boy - No Matter What

Photobook Review: Iridescent Boy - No Matter What


A4 size, 200p / All Colour / Soft Cover


Overseas: A1 Poster / Name-tag
All: DVD pack / Book-clip / Postcard set / Photo cards / Sticker


* Notice - I don't physically have this pb with me right now (it's in Korea with my brother till March) so I'm basing this on my first impressions when I got it last year and looking at photos/videos online.

This is Iridescent Boy's 1st photobook and it was also my first photobook purchase. I've always loved the quality of photos that IB produces so when I saw that they were releasing one I hopped on board quite quickly. Truthfully I was deciding between IB or Hyperbeat's photobooks because they announced them around the same time. At that time I only had their previous calenders (researched online) to base my judgement on and because of that I chose IB. I don't regret buying NWM, but I do wish I had bought Hyperbeat's as well because it looks amazing in terms of physical aesthetics (choice of materials and gifts etc.).

The gifts that came with this was minimal compared to her later pbs and other fansites, you can tell from the overview photo alone that it's quite bare. However I do like the overall packaging and design she used. The pb and dvd are similar in design and both have matte finish which looks very sleek. The fan provided is also very cute and I was tempted to bring it one of their events. The poster is good quality but I wasn't 100% happy of her photo choice for it, as I think there are much better photos to use for the poster, but I guess that's up to everyone's own opinion to decide. I don't have much to comment on the photocards or postcards, they are what they are (limited amount by decent quality)

Onto the glorious photobook! The photobook follows a chronological order (I think, correct me if I'm wrong) of Mama era to the end of Wolf (around the time they performed in Hong Kong? Not sure if that's the end of not tho haha), so there's a lot of photos in it, well the standard 200p worth of photos, anyway. The photo quality is really good, as expected of IB, and her photo choices were quite decent too. I've uploaded a photo of one of my favourite spreads in it, silver/blonde hair Sehuna during the Golden Disk Awards 2013 *__* Ah~ such glorious times. Anyway, compared to photos I've seen of other fansite photobooks e.g. Esprit, the layout of the book (as in the way the photos are put together) isn't as aesthetically pleasing and creative, it's standard, but this is only me being very nit-picky about design because, well, I am a design student.

I can't really remember the DVD well but I wasn't particularly happy or disappointed with it, it was average? If I change my mind I'll edit this in the future when I re-watch it :)


Overall, I was pretty happy with my purchase, I don't regret buying it at all and I'm happy it's part of my growing collection. Would I recommend someone to buy this now though? Hmmm maybe, but Hyperbeat's 1st photobook is a very good rival and I don't even have that one.

That sums up my first review! Hope you enjoyed it and sorry if you didn't, I'm still new to this :) Thank you for reading till the end! ♡

laypocky ♡ flavors.me


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Originally this was going to be a personal blog but two is better than one ♡ PockyPixie (穎穎)

"Once you know her she's like a baby. Adorable, attached to you and hella whiny. But she's a loyal friend and we have a lot of common likes, I wouldn't trade her for anyone else ♥"

- About Yixingspixie by Laypocky

"【一个绮,一个欣,一个颖将我们带到一起】 When the internet brings two random people together and they have this much in common, I believe it's called fate ♥"

- About Laypocky by Yixingspixie
