[Concert] SMTown Week - Christmas Wonderland with EXO & f(x)

24th December 2013

Whilst I was studying in Korea, one of the concerts I went to was Christmas Wonderland with EXO and f(x). Although it was nearly a year ago, I thought I'd still blog about my experience (if my memory serves me well). I won't go through all the details of ticketing and getting there etc. although if you are curious you can leave me a comment, I'll just concentrate on what it was like when I arrived.

In the hall there were many things set up, from merchandise stalls, nature republic stalls, others stalls that I do not remember the name of, exo and f(x) related displays to their clothes on display to look at.

Whilst we were wandering, we saw a person in a suit that kind of creeped me out, it was a big head of the famous icon that Heechul uses? I don't actually know the name (zzinpang?) or much about it to be honest but he was going around either scaring people or taking photos with people. I settled with just taking a photo of him whilst he was marching our way...and I got scared and dragged my friend to move away from him (lol).

Mr. Zzinpang...stop walking towards us...

We queued up for the Nature Republic stall because there was an event where you can win free stuff, basically all you had to do was throw a magnetic dart at the spinning wheel and whatever it lands on you will win. I didn't have any high expectations for this because I'm not usually a lucky kind of person, I thought I'd either get nothing or just the lowest worth prize (which I forgot what was actually available lol). In order to collect the item you had to download an app and followed them or something and show the proof, but my friend already had it and so I cheated and just got a screenshot off my friend's phone instead (hehe).

The stall was surrounded by these standees

But it turns out luck was on my side and I managed to snag the exo nature republic photobook/catalogue(!!!) which was pretty good because I heard people paying to buy a lot of products just to get this. We actually ended up queuing again later and I won an aloe vera tub and my friend won the calendar I think(?). All in all that was pretty neat, and there was another stall that was handing out free random stuff for us too. 

Da wheel


Hello bb :)

Later we tried going to the things fansites were organising, like handing out free support stuff. Sometimes they were hard to find, I think majority of them were outside at different times and some walked around inside. But damn it was cold outside and we had to have heat packs with us :( The queues for these were also pretty long. I don't have a photo to show everything we got but here's some of them.

Christmas tree where fans can write wishes for Lay, ended up helping them hand out stuff too

Cookies from the Lay support!

Lay slogan banner (that will later make my life)

A Baekhyun Fan

The back of the baekhyun fan, only noticed now it was from Honey B lol

After that we pretty much just ate and chilled around till it was time. A lot of people gathered in front of the big TV screen in the hall and just sat and watched the MVs playing on repeat.

The concert itself was...interesting. It was the first time I actually got standing tickets and I'd just like to say, probably never again will I get standing lol. It was utter chaos and a lot of pain, it just wasn't worth it and I couldn't see anything. So after experiencing hell for like 30 minutes my friend and I moved to the back where it was spacious and we could just chill and enjoy, although because of my height sometimes I couldn't see well when they were on the main stage.

The true highlight of course, was when exo went around the outside of the standing sections riding those, idk what they're called, but my friend and I managed to run close to where Yixing was passing us and we waved our Lay banners at him, he noticed and acknowledged us with his blinding dimple smiled and wave, and that there people, was our death. But in all honestly that was the first time we were so close to him and actually made eye contact so that was a pretty amazing thing. It still feels kinda surreal that it happened and my friend squealed to each other after it happened lol.

There was a no camera policy but people still attempted. At one time a staff came up to me and was taking my phone away because I filmed chanhun but I played the foreigner card (albeit I really am) and said I won't do it anymore and she let me keep my phone. PHEW. Some people weren't so lucky and were taken out I think. But yeah, I only had my iphone 5 with me so quality wasn't good but here's some stuff.

At the end they were throwing out gloves and not sure if there was anything else but I managed to actually catch one, shame I couldn't remember who threw it but wow that day was my lucky day, they literally threw it into my arms lol. It turned out to be Sulli's glove, well with her printed autograph but like I said I don't know if only f(x) threw their stuff out or if it was a mix, because then it couldn't been an exo member :o Anyways, then when we left I took a photo of the exit and that was that.

All in all it was a good experience, not sure if I got to see all that much but I think the Yixing interaction kind of made it up for me. If anyone went too let me know! I hope this blog post wasn't too boring or anything. There were more stuff I could have added but not sure how relevant those things would be, I wanted to keep it short and sweet, if possible :D Thanks for reading!

laypocky ♡ flavors.me


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Meet The Authors

Originally this was going to be a personal blog but two is better than one ♡ PockyPixie (穎穎)

"Once you know her she's like a baby. Adorable, attached to you and hella whiny. But she's a loyal friend and we have a lot of common likes, I wouldn't trade her for anyone else ♥"

- About Yixingspixie by Laypocky

"【一个绮,一个欣,一个颖将我们带到一起】 When the internet brings two random people together and they have this much in common, I believe it's called fate ♥"

- About Laypocky by Yixingspixie
